Insomnia is the inability for one to get the amount of sleep one needed at night to feel rested and refreshed. Insomnia can be caused as a result of mental and physical issue.
It could also be as a result of the following
  1.        Psychological problems which can cause insomnia are--- anxiety,post traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, depression and chronic stress
  2.      Medication can also cause insomnia--- cold and flu medication which contain alcohol, pain relievers which contain caffeine, diuretics, high blood pressure medication, thyroid hormone.
  3.        Sleep disorders which can cause insomnia—restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy, sleep apnea
  4.      Medical problems---allergies,asthma, kidney disease, cancer, chronic pain, parkinson’S DISEASE, hyperthyroidism.
1.       Finding difficulty in sleeping
2.       Waking up frequently at night
3.       Relying on sleeping pills and alcohol to sleep
4.       Waking up too early every morning
5.       Daytime drowsiness, fatigue
6.       Difficulty concentration during the day.
7.       Exhausting sleep.

Extracted from online CBT for insomnia