There are some things you must take to notice before embarking on a journey, so as for you to enjoy a stress free and a smooth journey to your place of destination.

1.       Check the radiator water level, brake oil, steering oil, engine oil gauge, wiper water level and also your gear oil , before igniting the car.

2.       Check all the four tyres of your car, including your extra tyre and always make sure that they are well tighten to the rim and also that they are in good working condition {also make sure that your extra tyre is in a good condition }.

3.       Make sure that all the useful indicating light such as the trafficating pointer, brake light, reverse light, parking light and also your front light are all in a perfect working condition.

4.       Make sure that both your side mirror and the inner rear view mirror are well set to your own range of view.

5.       Listen carefully and attentively to the sound produce by the engine of your car, so as to confirm if there is any change in its sound.

6.       Make sure that your car engine including the air bag is not due for servicing.

7.       If you have a bad wiper, get a good new wiper { you cannot but need it most especially during rainy season.

8.       Make sure that the car battery is in a perfect working condition.

9.       It’s always advisable that you have a perfect and good working dashboard signals, which indicates the fuel gauge , mileage , temperature and lot more.

10.   Try to test the car gear, brake, accelerator, clush ,hand gear and steering to be certain and sure that they are all working perfectly.

11.   Never embark on a journey with your car without holding a certain amount of cash, cause you never can predict when your car would develop a fault.

12.   You don’t need to be told that you need to take along with you all your driving papers and car document, to avoid been delayed by the law enforcement agent.