Multi award winning actor, Yul Eldochie, who is happily married with 3 kids, took to Twitter this morning to release screen-shots of chat message with an alleged gay stalker, Ogochukwu Onyebuchi who has been disturbing him and his Nollywood counterpart Paul Walker for some days now. Yul wrote that the stalker, has been posting fake messages, fake recordings and also mixing pictures of him and his wife.
The alleged stalker also threatened to put his wife pictures on lesbian site, all because he has been turning down his ( stalker) request. The stalker has also harassed Joseph Benjamin Chigozie Atuanya among others.
The alleged stalker also threatened to put his wife pictures on lesbian site, all because he has been turning down his ( stalker) request. The stalker has also harassed Joseph Benjamin Chigozie Atuanya among others.