America singer Chris brown shares an heart felling message with fans on instagram.
He wrote that..
"I'm Konfuzed, I always thought I knew
the concept of love. Fame and Money
can get in the way of that. Most of my
issues always deal with love and me
being in my feelings. Not to mention
me being a dog sometimes. I can't
speak for everyone but I can say that
my actions contributed a lot to my
karma. Being jealous and angry and
controlling. There has been times
where I looked in the mirror and hated
the person I see. I talk to God a lot
now. He's given me so much and I
feel like I waste his gifts becuz of my
impulsive personality. The world is full
of negativity and I feel I play a part in
it becuz of the choices I've made or
mistakes. I tend to accept the
negative or the riff raff becuz I know
what it's like to be a young black
"nigga" in America. I always see the
good in people even when they don't
see it. I love others more than myself
at times. Everything u see on the
surface does not reflect what's inside.
This is my white flag. I surrender to
life and all its blessings. I refuse to be
petty and attention seeking. To know
me is to love me. Good Bad UGLY!
Sincerely, Konfuzed